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I have had the good fortune of working with thousands of leaders since co-founding a leadership consulting and training firm in 1999.
Here is what we have found to be the top 10 derailers of leadership success.
- Have all the answers. (instead of asking all the questions)
- Not connecting with the person behind the employee. (view employees as a means to an end)
- Slow decision making. (underutilizing intuition)
- Unclear vision and expectations. (blurry expectations lead to blurry results)
- Lack of personal integrity. (without integrity no will follow you, and if no is following you then you are not leading)
- Stop learning and changing. (feeling of having “arrived” and getting complacent)
- Undisciplined approach to hiring employees. (rely on gut feel only)
- Organizational indigestion. (pushing more initiatives into the team than it can digest creates diffused focus)
- Personal ego needs blur the needs of the team. (serving self vs. serving the team)
- Talk more than listen. (results in leadership blind spots)
Learn from others who have struggled before you and elevate your leadership.