View On-Demand [wcm_nonmember] [note style=”” bg=”#009E00″ border=”” bordercolor=”{{bordercolor}}” color=””] Webinar replays are accessible for Premium members only. Log in to access this replay. [/note] [/wcm_nonmember] [wcm_restrict plans=”premium, institution, student”] [/wcm_restrict] In this one hour webinar we’ll discuss why collecting student-athlete feedback is important, what sort of information is worth asking for and tools you can […]
The Attitude Toward Sexual And Athlete Violence In College Sports Must Change
By B. David Ridpath, The Almost Routine Normalcy of These Stories It is all over the news this week about about an alleged rape concerning yet another athlete at a major NCAA Division I institution. Sadly these stories have become far too common and even more unfortunate that this story takes us back to Chapel Hill, […]
PoA083 | Vin Mcaffrey, Game Plan
In this episode, Vin McCaffrey, founder of Game Plan, discusses his company’s innovate platform for student-athlete development. He discusses the unique elements of Game Plan, its success stories and its focus on student-athlete life-cycle development, from matriculation through employment. Vin McCaffrey started Game Plan in 2008 with the goal of giving student-athletes a better college […]
PoA074 | Dave King, Eastern Mennonite University
David A. King returned to his alma mater in 2005, and oversees the 17 intercollegiate sports programs at EMU, providing overall leadership, advocacy and strategic planning. “Athletics is the avenue through which many young people develop themselves to their fullest potential,” King said. “My passion has always been to see personal growth and development of […]
PoA031 Showcase: Volt Athletics
Dan Giuliani, co-founder of Volt Athletics discusses his research-based system targeted at small colleges and high schools. Includes product demonstration. Dan directs the strategic vision of Volt Athletics and oversees all Volt programming and strength and conditioning content. Dan is an Adjunct Professor of Sport Performance at the University of Washington and has been a […]
What You Don’t Know Might Hurt You- Part Three
Part Three: Implementing A System for Engagement [Part 3 of 3: This three-part article addresses the current environment in collegiate athletics related to the student-athlete experience. Athletics directors and other campus administrators need to engage student-athletes in meaningful and systematic ways to promote communication, trust and accountability. The student-athlete experience must enhance overall educational goals […]
Fundamentals of the Student-Athlete Experience
When athletics administrators talk about the ‘student-athlete experience’, what do we mean exactly? Often we want to highlight the learning and growth opportunities that athletics participation provides. Others talk about the academic support operation and how these efforts contribute to student-athlete graduation and persistence rates. And many refer to student-athlete ‘satisfaction’ with their experiences as […]